Welcome to Neemosphere


Neemosphere is a simple but profound step towards sustainability.

It is all about taking one step at a time to ensure a sustainable future for our planet.

It is a simple but profound step towards sustainability. Every tree we plant is our promise for the nature.

Project Neemosphere places an emphasis on a culture of planting a sapling/seed and nurturing it like a life form. The name Neemosphere takes inspiration from the Neem Tree, ‘The Tree of 21st Century’, as per United Nations Environment Programme. The project is not about planting only Neem trees, but to increase the green elements in our planet.

We believe in the motto “A seed today is a shade tomorrow”; so let’s plant more and weave a green canopy for our mother nature.

In the year 2021, we planted 2021 trees and also conducted seed ball making workshops in various schools.


Neemosphere 2022 Challenge


This is a challenge that we have undertaken to plant 2022 trees in the year 2022 and to reach out to a minimum of 100 schools and make 1,00,000 seed balls.

How to be part of our Neemosphere 2022 Challenge?

You can participate in the Neemosphere 2022 Challenge by registering with us. Then all you need to do is to arrange a seed or a sapling, plant it, and take a picture. Send us this picture along with your name, contact details and Google coordinates of your plant to receive your certificate of appreciation from ‘The Social Town’.

Seed Ball Making Workshops

Seed balls or seed bombs are seeds that have been wrapped in a mixture made of clay and compost. The advantage of seed balls is that it is pre-planted and therefore it can be sown easily by placing it or depositing it in any suitable place. The seeds will start to germinate when exposed to sunlight and water.


Through these workshops we intend to plant a tree in each school, educate students about the importance of tree planting and urge them to add more green elements to the earth. The students will be engaged in seed ball making activity and the seed balls made during the workshop will be given back to them for planting in their households. The purpose of the seed ball making workshops is to create social awareness about increasing green elements in our nature to reduce our carbon footprints.